We love sharing personal experiences and resources on how to live a joyful childfree life.


We created a synopsis of our childfree YOUTUBE VIDEOS so that you can find the topics that best relate to you. If you enjoy watching our videos and would like to support our work on YouTube, please subscribe below. 

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My Friends Are Having Kids, Is It My Turn?


Charlotte didn’t feel ready to have kids so she panicked with the thought that it was her turn to have kids too. The initial panic led to a sea of confusion about motherhood and children. Charlotte first worked with a therapist, who, although helpful, didn't contribute to her confidence in making a final decision. She also felt lonely and isolated because she didn’t have anyone close to her that was considering the childfree choice. Charlotte's determination to find clarity was fueled by a New Year's resolution to prioritize self love and self care.
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The Decision To Be Childfree Can Be So Stressful


Are you on an emotional roller coaster when it comes to deciding if a childfree life is for you? I certainly was! Not only was I in the gray zone for years but the constant ups and downs of this life-altering decision were SO draining and exhausting for me. This childfree roller coaster ride is very very bumpy and can have a significant impact on your mental health. In this video, I explain why it’s time to get off the ride and what you can do to make a clear and informed decision about possibly living childfree.
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 Breaking Childfree Stigmas

In this video, childfree men and childfree women ask about fear of loneliness in the future and do we still wonder what it would be like to have kids. As a childfree couple, we get questions about our choice, our lifestyle and how we navigate through the stigma that can come along with being childfree. We share our thoughts and reframe the stigma of living a childfree life.
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Busting the Myth of the Biological Clock

What if I told you that the biological clock does NOT exist? If you have been told that you need to have a baby because your biological clock is ticking or have felt the pressure from this ticking clock- this video is for you! All Childfree women or women considering the childfree path need to know this, share this video and help spread the word.
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Top Reasons We Chose Not to Have Kids

In this video, Rick and I revisited our top reasons we chose not to have kids. This was our first video we posted on YouTube and we only saw it fitting that we revisit the topic one year later (2023).
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Top Reasons We Chose Not to Have Kids (PART 2)


Do you ever wonder how the stress of having children would affect your life? Or, do you think about your lack of desire when it comes to the day to day tasks and responsibilities of having kids? As a childfree couple, we discuss this plus a whole lot more in this Part 2 Video where we continue listing the reasons we don’t have kids.
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Childfree? Holiday Survival Tips

Spending time with family members during the Holidays sounds great in theory, but in reality, it can be super stressful for the childfree! Especially when you’re leaning towards a childfree life or have decided to be childfree but the family doesn’t know yet. People just love to ask the “when are you having a baby” question as if your reproduction status is free for discussion among all the guests. I have certainly been in these situations myself so in this video, I share some tips to help you survive the Holidays and cope with the intrusive questions that may arise!
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What Do Childfree People Do All Day!?

What do childfree people do all day? We get this question all the time! It’s an interesting question because parents are baffled as to what we can possibly do with our time if children aren’t in the picture. We also get this question from people who are considering the childfree life but don’t know what it looks like. In this video, my partner Rick and I break down what each of us does every day and how we are still busy and sometimes even overwhelmed. Also, please comment with what your childfree day looks like.
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I Don't Want Kids but This Scares Me

If you are leaning towards a Childfree Life or have decided to be Childfree but there are thoughts swirling around in your head holding you back from feeling 100% confident and fully embracing your childfree life, this video is for you. I’m going to tell you the Top Self-Limiting Beliefs that can get in your way and share one main tip to start shaking them off.
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Child-Free Man Speaks Out!

In this video, my 50 year old partner describes his childfree journey, opens up about dating as a childfree man, losing friends to fatherhood and his family’s opinion on not having children. He even revealed a secret assumption about my choice not to have kids that I had never heard before!
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Are Child-Free By Choice People Selfish?

As a passionate advocate for childfree living, I was happy to be a part of this childfree debate with the CEO of a christian organization. It’s no longer acceptable or kind to call childfree people selfish, less than or any other negative description. I only wish we had more time because I had so much more to say! Let me know if you agree with any of my points!
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I Want A Childfree Life but I'm Scared of This!

If you have any anxiety, doubt, concerns or just general fear of committing fully to a childfree life, this video is for you! My personal childfree journey was a roller coaster of emotions. The ups and downs kept me in a holding pattern where I wasn’t completely at peace with my path. I highlight an important child-free trend that could be responsible for some of your fears AND I share a very specific way in which I can support, help and empower you to live your best childfree life!
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You Would Make Such A Good Mom

Have you ever held a baby in your arms or played with a toddler and someone says to you: Oh, you would be such a good mom! It’s a very strange comment but as childfree women, we hear this all the time. I know I definitely did! In this video, I explain the reasons that people keep telling you that you would be a good mother and I also share some tips on how to handle these awkward (and sometimes hurtful) moments.
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Childfree by Choice? You should know about this special Holiday

Did you know that as a childfree person you should be celebrating today? Today is August 1st and it's a special holiday for all the members of our global community! In this video, Rick and I share what the day is AND you will see a special message that we created alongside our international childfree family. We talk a lot on this channel about the importance of acknowledging and sharing our choice to be childfree so we invite you to join us in celebrating this very special Holiday. 
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Do You Need Kids To Be Considered A Family?

Childfree people are often asked, “When are you starting a family?” or “Don’t you want a family?”. As a childfree woman, I’ve heard these questions many times. If you want a clear perspective on this topic, this video is for YOU! I explore why this is such a common question for childfree people, how family is defined, what family really means and who are the people (or non humans) in our lives that are considered family members.
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Living A Childfree Life? You'll Love This!

Regardless of how you landed in a childfree life, the reasons for celebrating it are endless! We created an easy and new way in which our entire childfree community can participate. In this video we are breaking down what a childfree-bration is (it’s not necessarily what you think it is), why there is a desperate need for them and how YOU can join in and get involved right now!
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There Is NOTHING Wrong With You

Learning that some childfree people believe that something must be wrong with them for not wanting kids motivated me to create this video. As a childfree woman, I can assure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with opting out of parenthood. In this video, I explain why this belief does not serve you and I share tips on how to work through the negativity so that you can enjoy a happy childfree life!
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Why Pope Francis is Wrong About The Childfree Life

STOP using the word selfish as a fear tactic! As a catholic-raised childfree woman, I had to reflect on the teachings of the church and point out the hypocrisy in the Pope’s recent statements. We already know that the pope’s comments make absolutely no sense since he’s a man with no children and represents an archaic belief system. BUT, what about his overall leadership and teachings?
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Exposing The Truth About The Childfree

In this podcast interview, we dive into my personal story as a childfree woman, examine society’s view of those living a childfree life and discuss how we could work towards a place where childfree people receive empathy, compassion and understanding of their lifestyle.
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Why Don't People Respect Our Time?


As a childfree person, do you ever feel that your time is not valued in the same way as let’s say, your friends or family members with kids? Well, in this video, we tackle this question, give examples of when it happens and try to figure out just what we can do to start shifting this inequality of the childfree lifestyle. In our society, the consistent message is that if you don’t have a baby, your life is somehow less meaningful. 
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Why Spontaneity Makes Us Happier

This video highlights the benefits of living a spontaneous childfree life and how being spontaneous can make us even happier! Spontaneity comes up pretty often when we talk about the perks of being childfree. However, life gets so busy that even without kids, we can easily forget that we have the option to be spontaneous. We want to make sure that you are taking advantage of this childfree lifestyle perk so we share 3 suggestions that should immediately spark some spontaneous vibes!
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Feel Confident With Your Childfree Choice

Maybe you are new to the childfree life and are still questioning your decision or maybe you already decided not to have a baby but people’s criticisms can still bring you down. In this video, we share 4 Solid Reasons Why You should set aside any opinions about your choice to opt out of parenthood and be 100% confident with your childfree lifestyle. We also share 1 very useful tip that has helped Veronica feel confident in her childfree journey.
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Can We Stop The Childfree Assumptions?

As childfree people, there are many assumptions that are made about how we have chosen to live our lives! People who do not have childfree family members or have friends that have chosen not to have kids can create some interesting stereotypes about the childfree choice. In this video we highlight 4 assumptions made about childfree men and women. As a childfree couple, we have heard these interesting assumptions which sometimes confuse us and sometimes just make us laugh. 
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Comments We're So Tired Of Hearing

As childfree people, there are comments that we hear over and over again which can be hurtful, confusing and sometimes so insane that they just make us shake our heads. In this video we dive into 4 of the Top Comments that childfree by choice people hear on repeat. This was a challenging video to make because there are so many comments made towards childless people that we were forced to narrow them down and focus on just four. 
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The Parent & Non-Parent Rivalry

Childfree vs. Parents, does the competition exist, is it real and if so, why is it even a thing? Make sure to watch this entire video because we are going to answer these questions and dive into much more! We explore and discuss some of the potential reasons that may be causing this childfree life vs. parenting “competition”. Although we have made it clear numerous times, as a childfree couple with a childfree YouTube channel and childfree social media accounts, we sometimes receive messages which imply that we are anti-parents. We are not anti-parenting and we do not hate kids so we thought it was important to further discuss this childfree debate.
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Perks of Being a Pet Parent

If you LOVE your pet as much as we do, this video is for you!! Our fur-baby brings so much joy to our childfree lifestyle that we wanted to dedicate a video to the benefits of having pets in our lives. As childfree people, we often use our time and resources to spoil them like crazy! Ask any pet parent and they may tell you that their pet is their human child or at the very least they get treated like one. As a childfree couple, we nurture our dog because we want to and choose to, not because we feel there is a void (which some assume). Our dog is a vital member of our childless family because he brings so much joy to our day.
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Feeling Pressure to Have Kids? 

In this video we are going to discuss the pressure to have kids, what it is, where it comes from and most importantly, how to deal with it! This giant bubble of pressure that a lot of childfree men and childfree women are experiencing when it comes to having children needs to be addressed. You would think that once you have come to the conclusion that you don’t want a baby and that living a childfree life is your final decision, the childfree pressure would be lifted. However, it often continues and people expect you to change your mind and “come to your senses”.
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Why Millennials & Gen Z Are Choosing a Childfree Life

Why are more and more Millennials and Gen-Zers opting out of parenthood? In this video we dissect why Millennials and Gen-Zers are choosing a childfree by choice lifestyle and why money concerns keep making the top of the list! In the 80s and 90s childfree living was not a trending topic nor was it openly discussed as a viable choice. As a childfree couple living a childfree life we were wondering what’s changed since then?? The 2020 birthrate decline was no surprise but the childfree trend runs way deeper than just the pandemic. 
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Expect This When Your Friends Have Kids

When your friends have kids and you are childfree, it can instantly transform your friendship. In this video, we identify some of the challenges that can arise once your friends begin to have children and we share tips on how to manage these inevitable changes. We describe in detail the “4 Expectations that You Should be Aware of When Your Friends Start Having Kids”. As childfree people, you may realize that choosing a childfree life can mean losing commonality with your friends who decided to become parents.
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The Reason I ALMOST Had A Baby

This one goes DEEP! In this video I explain in detail how I had to reflect and not only feel good about my decision to not have children but understand where my lack of desire to have a baby was coming from. I share some of my personal childfree story and the interesting and complicated reason that almost led me to becoming a mom.
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Guess Which Childfree Influencers Affect Your Daily Life?

These childfree people may not have had a social media account, computer or barely any technology but they have certainly made a significant impact! We often hear about childfree celebrities who have chosen a life without kids -Jennifer Aniston, Oprah, Miley Cyrus, and most recently Demi Lovato and Seth Rogan but what about people who chose not to have children, were most certainly influencers of their time and came along way before them?
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Child-Free life PERKS we love (and you will too!)

We love our childfree life! In this video we share the best perks of Living childfree (some you may not have thought of yourself!) There are so many perks to not having kids but for this video, we narrowed down the list to our Top 10. Childfree by choice is not for everyone and of course as a childfree couple we honor and respect that as well. However, if you have decided on a life without kids or are considering a child free life, check out some of these amazing childfree advantages and childless perks you will experience by choosing to not have kids.
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Telling Your Partner You Don't Want a Baby

Are you dating or in a relationship and have decided to live a childfree life? In this video, we share 6 USEFUL TIPS to consider before tackling the BABY CONVERSATION! This video explores the childfree by choice dating life and details how to tell your partner you don’t want kids. As a childfree man and a childfree woman in our 40s, we opted out of parenthood and decided to lead a life without kids. Childfree by choice dating can be tough in regards to having the baby conversation and making the baby decision. If you are childfree and dating and don’t want children, these useful tips will guide you on how to tell your partner you don’t want kids.
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Worried You'll Regret being Childfree By Choice?

Do you wonder if you will regret not having kids? In this video we share three mind shifts that will help you sort through any fear of future regret! It explores the childfree by choice life and details of how to sort through future fear of not having children. As a childfree man and a childfree woman in our 40s, we opted out of parenthood and decided not to have a baby. We often heard that we would regret not having children when we’re older but we live a happy childfree life. If you are childless by choice and don’t want kids, these 3 lessons will help you tackle any regret of not having a baby.
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Top 5 Reasons We Chose Not to Have Kids

Is having a kid right for you? If you have recently made the decision to opt out of parenthood, are unsure, or have been living a childfree life, you are not alone! In this video, we share our Top 5 Reasons we chose not to have kids. This video explores the childfree choice by counting down why we don't have children and lead a childfree life. As a childfree man and a childfree woman in their 40s, we opted out of parenthood and decided not to have a baby. We celebrate our life without kids and share our reasons why we don't want to be parents. Are your top reasons not to have kids similar?