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We both made the decision to be childfree long before we were a couple. There are so many challenges that present themselves in a relationship so it was comforting to come together initially and feel grounded about this particular choice. Being childfree has also allowed us to work on those challenges and fully commit to the health and prosperity of our relationship.
Why I Chose Not To Have Kids
In this episode, I share my personal childfree journey towards my decision to be childfree. The road to making this choice was very bumpy and included 10+ years of confusion, doubt and panic. I share the ups and downs and the lessons I learned along the way.
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Rick- 52 yrs old
Ever since I can remember, the thought of wanting to have kids never entered my mind (although I figured that I would "have to"). I came from a large family so although the notion of a home with no kids seemed strange, I instinctively had no desire to experience the same. I often worried about what my life would look like without children but as I grew older and became more self aware, the thought no longer haunted me. In fact, being childfree has allowed me the time to reflect on my decision and look at my choice in an entirely whole new way. I look forward to sharing my thoughts, experiences, perks and fears of leading a childfree life and connecting with the community.
What Do Childfree Men Think About?
If you're wondering what childfree men think about, this episode offers a close look into my personal childfree journey. I share how my upbringing shaped my views on parenthood, the mishaps of my past relationships, and the close call I had by assuming that I should have a baby if my partner wanted one. Click the image to watch the episode or listen below.
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We love sharing our childfree life and would equally love to learn about yours!